Municipal Waste Market Assessment, London

Using a network of independent consultants we found the right team with the right skills to undertake this market analysis for a company looking to expand into the UK market

Research for Municipal Waste Market Analysis for Greater London

What did the client want to achieve?

A clear understanding of waste markets and resource commodity chains in Greater London in order to inform a decision on the introduction of their municipal waste treatment technology to the UK market.

What did we do to help the client?

A full review and analysis of waste markets in Greater London. This included research on:

-Waste producers including existing waste contracts in Greater London

-Waste contractors who currently manage, transport, treat and dispose of waste

-Treatment and disposal facilities appropriate to the Greater London area

What was the result?

A clear assessment of prospects for Hanjer to introduce their waste treatment technology to UK. This included facilitating networking opportunities for Hanjer Directors with potential waste suppliers with meetings/events held in Greater London.